Rainey Marie Highley is a water communicator and author of the award-winning book, The Water Code—Unlocking the Truth Within. She reveals the powerful new symbol which is the key that unlocks the information stored deep within the water molecules of our bodies, revealing the TRUTH about who we are, where we come from, and our highest purpose on Earth. We embody and reveal the biggest secrets here:
Water is living, conscious, and intelligent. Water is both highly advanced and quite ancient. It holds the key to our physical and non-physical origins, and also to our future. Now that the great shift has happened, our ability to communicate with water has increased. As our vibratory frequency continues to rise, we will find that communication with water will become easier. Learning to communicate with water is an act of true wisdom that could quickly propel humanity into a much more harmonious and peaceful existence.
Anyone familiar with Dr. Emoto’s water crystal photos knows that water exposed to beautiful words, images, or music creates beautiful crystalline patterns. Water exposed to ugly or negative words forms unattractive shapes or no crystalline pattern at all. Water echoes the energy and vibration of the thing it is reflecting. Water is the law of attraction in action. It communicates in truth, revealing the frequency inside anything it encounters. Given that our bodies are made up primarily of water, one may wonder if it is the water in our bodies communicating with us when we get a strange “vibe” from someone. The water inside of us is our own personal truth meter.
In an infinite and orderly universe, where everything is structured and interconnected from spiraling galaxies to the intricacies of our human bodies to the complexities of our DNA, does it seem logical that our planetary records would be kept on stone tablets, paper scrolls, or even computer chips? Of course not! Our entire planetary history has been preserved inside the one thing on Earth that can never be destroyed…water. Our written records date back only a few thousand years but water has observed everything on this planet since its inception.
When we see Dr. Emoto’s water crystal photos, we are seeing a reflection of the energy of a word, image, sound, or thing. However, we are also seeing something deeper. We are seeing inside the quantum realms. Water is acting as a lens into these inner realms, bridging these dimensions to our conscious perception and collective reality. Water has the unique ability to build new pathways between multiple realities. Acting as a universal translator, water leads us down these pathways, offering us insights into other dimensions and other worlds.
As you know, water is the only natural substance on Earth able to transform from a solid to a liquid to a gas within the normal range of planetary temperatures. No other substance on the planet is able to move between forms so effortlessly. Ascension means transforming. Like water, humans are capable of moving into another physical form. If we are made up mostly of water, and water is able to transform from a solid to a liquid to a gas, would it not seem logical that the human body is also capable of such transformation?